Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Getting Started with Vinyl

Last week I introduced the middle schoolers to vector graphics.  We talked a lot about the difference between vector and raster files and uses for each.  After I thought that they had a good understanding of why we use vector graphics for vinyl cutting, I invited them to design their first piece.  Students were paired up and asked to create a piece in Google Drawing that included both partners' names and an image.  They needed to save it as an .svg and then convert it to an .ai file to use in CutStudio (the program that came with the Roland vinyl cutter).
Working on a shared document worked well because they had individual ownership: their name, font choice, etc, but were able to work together and give each other feedback.
The biggest issues we had were:

  • converting files to .ai
  • saving to USB
  • formatting problems when opening files in CutStudio
  • weeding
In the end, all were able to complete the assignment in a few sessions.

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